Braces Colors: How to Choose the Best Color for Your Smile

So you want to get colored braces but can’t decide on the best color for your smile? This guide will help you pick the best braces colors to make your smile look great and bring out your personality every time you smile!
Braces Band Colors – How Do Traditional Braces Get Their Color?
Colored braces come from the rubber bands that go in between the brackets of your braces. These braces band colors come in many different colors and shades, including red, blue, silver, black, purple, pink, green, orange, yellow, and even rainbow! The rubber bands work to keep the wire in place through the bracket and help your teeth straighten over time. Braces colors come in virtually every option and combinations including metallic, ceramic, and clear braces.
Braces Color Palette
Create your own braces color palette. Whether you go with red and green for Christmas or hot and light pink for valentine’s day, matching your braces colors with a certain holiday will add to the festivities. Are you going to a sports event? Why not get the team colors on your braces to show your support? No matter what you choose, it is sure to be fun and expressive. Although, colors can make wearing braces more exciting, some colors can make your teeth look yellow. Read below to see which colors you should avoid for your braces.
Why is the Color of My Braces Important?
So why care about the color of your braces? For starters, they’re fun! They allow you to express yourself. Every time you visit the orthodontist, your bands will need to be replaced. This gives you the opportunity to change your braces colors every visit, which is usually every month! You can pick the same color, pick a new color, or even mix and match colors that fit your mood, personality, favorite sports team, or holidays!
How Do I Choose the Best Color for My Braces?
If you still aren’t sure which color would fit your smile the best, there are a few ways to find the best color for your braces. Have you ever taken a personality quiz? Colors can say a lot about your personality. Not very different from a mood ring, certain braces colors can express how you feel or help you express who you are. Are you passionate or romantic? Red or pink would be perfect. Yellow, orange, and various neon colors are fun, loud, and demand attention. Light blue, purple, and pink show that you are sweet and approachable.
Best Braces Colors for Boys
Boys who tend to wear more masculine, dark colors for their clothes usually go with darker colors for braces as well. Dark blue and green are the most common braces colors for boys. Dark colors can also complement lighter skin tones and help teeth look whiter. For boys with darker skin tones, jewel colors like turquoise or teal look the best.
Best Braces Colors for Girls
Girls who want to have a more feminine look usually love pink, purple, or light blue. For girls, it is best to avoid dark colors unless these colors fit their personality well. Some colors like brown can make your teeth appear stained and light colored braces can stain easily from eating and drinking.
Choose Braces Colors that Match Your Personality
- Red braces: Action-oriented, assertive, confident, decisive, determined, disciplined, independent, leaders, logical, pragmatic, proactive, productive, responsible, and task-dominant. Show your power with a strong shade of red.
- Blue braces: Steady, ordered, and enduring. Blues love with passion. They bring culture and dependency to society and home. They are highly committed and loyal. They are comfortable in creative environments. They strive to be the best they can be. Feel at peace with a relaxing shade of blue.
- Yellow braces: Enthusiastic, very persuasive, and spontaneous in nature. They are always looking for something new to do. A fun new shade of yellow is all you need.
- White braces: Kind, considerate, patient, and accepting. They are devoid of ego. They are good at constructing thoughts that did not exist before, just from careful listening and taking time to think things through. Choose the color of your braces wisely and be confident about your smile.
Can’t decide which colors match your personality? Keep it simple and think about your favorite color. It’s a lot like wearing your favorite shirt or scarf. There is probably a color you have in your closet more than others. Ask your friends to see which braces colors they think will look good on you. If you tend to wear a lot of purple, choose a color for your braces that best complements purple. Let’s face it, no one wants a mouth full of metal, but braces generally take at least a couple of years to work, so why not spruce them up a bit? Even if you don’t love having braces, seeing your favorite color every time you smile will make you feel much better about it.
Choose Braces Colors that Match Your Skin Tone
- Mocha Skin Tone: Cobalt blue, light yellow, ruby red, olive green, or magenta
- Caramel Skin Tone: Metallic, silver, gold, orange, purple, turquoise, or teal
- Cream Skin Tone: Baby blue, bubblegum pink, lavender, or any light or neon color
Choose Braces Colors to Support a Cause
- Red braces: HIV/AIDS, Drug Abuse, Heart Disease
- Blue braces: World Peace, Colon Cancer
- Light blue braces: Prostate Cancer
- Navy blue braces: Bullying
- Teal braces: Cervical, Ovarian and Uterine Cancers
- Yellow braces: Support the military
- White braces: Lung Cancer
- Silver braces: Parkinson’s Disease, Brain Disorders/Disabilities
- Pink braces: Breast Cancer
- Orange braces: Leukemia, Multiple Sclerosis, Kidney Cancer, ADHD
- Black braces: Mourning, Sleep Disorders, Melanoma
- Gray braces: Diabetes, Brain Cancer
Choose Braces Colors for an Upcoming Holiday
There are other fun things to think about when trying to find the best colors for your braces. Are you passionate about a certain cause? Are you a big fan of sports? Do you have a favorite holiday? You can mix and match colors, like, red and green to celebrate Christmas. Are you more of a Halloween lover? Go with black and orange for a spooky Jack-o-Lantern look or white and purple for a witch. A lot of people love showing support for their favorite sports team. They wave foam fingers, paint on their bare chests but nothing says “biggest fan” like having the team colors on your braces. Are you more of an activist? Show your support with pink braces during Breast Cancer Awareness month. There are many causes that are represented by colors that you can choose for braces. Read below for more information on Awareness Ribbon braces colors.
More Options for Braces Colors
As you can see, there are a ton of options for colored braces. There are even ceramic and clear braces for anyone not interested in colored braces. If you are still unsure, the best thing would be to go to your local dentist or orthodontist. All Access Dental clinics offer a free consultation, where we can help you determine the best braces colors for your smile before you even get braces on! Your dentist will guide you through the whole process and help you choose the best colors for your smile. Sometimes, you just have to try the color on to be sure that it looks good for the shade of your teeth.
Braces Colors to Avoid
Before you can choose the best colored braces, you need to learn why certain colors just don’t work. Think about the color of your teeth. Are they perfectly white? If you’re like most people, probably not. Colors that contrast with yellow are not the best colors for braces. Depending on the shade of your teeth, light colors can make teeth look whiter, however, if you are a heavy coffee drinker, light colors could stain easily.
Certain colors like green or brown can give the appearance of food being stuck in your teeth. Although gold is not a bad color to choose, keep in mind, it will not look like you have grills in your mouth. Accidentally choose the wrong braces color? No worries! At your next visit, let our orthodontist know and we will get you a different color to help bring out your smile. It is important to carefully think about what color you would like for your braces.
Have you ever tried to find the best color to match your skin tone? Choosing the best color for your braces can work the same way. For example, if you have bright red hair, it is best to avoid red braces, but a bright blue color will really pop. Neon and jewel tones such as red or purple look good on olive or dark skin tones. Red or orange colors for braces really shine on lighter skin tones.
Alternative to Colored Braces: Clear and Ceramic Braces
So, you have exhausted every color option for braces out there but still can’t find the best colors for your braces? No worries. There are alternatives to colored braces that may work better. Invisalign is one of the most popular options. Invisalign uses clear aligners, also called trays to help straighten teeth. The trays can be removed to allow eating, drinking, and brushing your teeth like you would normally. It is important to keep in mind that Invisalign only works for certain kinds of bites. Book an appointment at Access Dental to check if Invisalign maybe an option if you are not interested in traditional braces.
If Invisalign isn’t going to work for you, another option could be ceramic braces or clear braces. These are also called invisible races because the bands are either clear or ceramic that match the exact shade of your teeth. They work pretty much like traditional braces, but they are more discreet and less noticeable.
How to Take Care of Your Braces
To properly care for your braces, it is important to brush thoroughly every time you eat. To ensure the best care, brush twice a day for at least two minutes each time. Be sure to remove any bands or removable parts of your braces before brushing. Look inside of your mouth using mirrors after brushing so there is no food left behind.
Although brushing is important, you won’t get all the food out by brushing alone. You need to floss thoroughly as well. Use a thread floss to get between teeth and places that are hard to reach with a toothbrush. To avoid bad breath from food being stuck in your teeth or braces, floss at least once a day. The best time to floss is before going to bed.
If brushing and flossing regularly isn’t getting all the food out, you can also try using a water pick or water floss. It looks like an electric toothbrush, but it has a water tank at the bottom and a head that dispenses water with moderate pressure. It helps to remove food particles, bacteria, and plaque that is hard to reach with brushing and traditional flossing.
No matter how well you care for your braces, nothing can compare to a professional dental cleaning. Going to the dentist for regular checkup is even more important when you have braces. The dentist or dental hygienist have tools to check for the smallest food particles left in your teeth or braces. They won’t just clean your braces properly; they will also tighten them for you and change your braces colors to whatever you want.
It can be difficult to find the perfect braces colors that fit your style, but with a variety of choices you’re bound to find some that suit you. So, what are you waiting for? If you’re looking for a way to express yourself that is both fun and unique, colored braces might be the perfect solution for you. With so many options to choose from, finding the right ones can be a daunting task. We can help you find the perfect set of colored braces for your personality and teeth. Give us a call today at Access Dental for help with selecting the perfect shade of braces colors. We hope you have found this article helpful.
What is the best color for braces?
Orthodontists get asked “what color braces should I get?” by patients all the time. The best braces colors depend on the individual person, and we recommend picking a color that best fits your personality. This can include your spirit color, your favorite colors, the color of your favorite sports team, holidays colors, or any other color that you enjoy and fits you well. Shades of blue braces are the most common color and are picked by almost half of our patients. Dark blue braces, navy blue braces, and royal blue braces tend to be the best braces colors for boys. Blue braces and teal braces tend to be the best braces colors for girls. Ultimately, you should pick whatever color you enjoy and compliments your smile the most. Still not sure what the best braces color for you is? Our team can help you find the best color for your smile at your next appointment.